When using the calculators provided on this website and you want to know why you get a certain result, please e-mail me by using the form below, or call me at my office on 1300-735-161.
I am more than happy to step you through the results.
Borrowing Capacity
This shows how much you are able to afford to borrow given several basic variables such as income and other debts.
Loan Repayments
Works out how the repayments would change on a loan by changing a couple of known factors, such as length of the term of the loan and interest rate.
Extra Repayments
Popular calculator - works out how much faster an existing mortgage will get paid down by paying extra amounts off of it.
How Long to Repay
Calculates time to repay a mortgage of a set amount and interest rate. Great simple tool to give you some prediction.
Stamp Duty Calculator
Calculates the value of stamp duty and other government charges for your state on a purchase of real estate.
Tax Calculator
Works out approximate income after tax from a pre-tax figure.
Principal and Interest/Interest Only
Shows the difference in a mortgage between paying principal and interest, or interest only.
Savings Calculator
Shows the benefit of savings that add to your home loan. If you are planning on saving some money to get a deposit together this is the calculator for you.
Reverse Mortgage
Calculates the factors involved in a reverse mortgage, giving a likely cost and duration.
Lump Sum Payment
Calculates the likely effect of paying a lump sum onto your mortgage regarding the amount owed and length of time to repay.
Loan Comparison
Shows side-by-side possible outcomes of two different lenders given some of their different lending criteria.
Lease Calculator
Calculates repayments on a regular car lease over a set term of years and interest rate.
Comparison Rate
Calculates A comparison rate for complex sets of repayment and rates
Credit Card
What is the actual cost of your credit card, and how can you pay it off.
Compound Interest
Work out the repayment costs of a loan attracting compound interest.
Loan Offset
Demonstrates the benefit of having a loan offset account at chosen amounts and term
Introductory Rate
What is the result of accepting an introductory rate in the overall cost of your mortgage.
Property Buying Costs
Works out the full costs of buying a property so there are no surprises.
Property Selling Costs
Reveals the full costs to you of selling a property.
Split Loan
Calculator shows the cost of splitting a loan and how it could work.
Income Annualisation
Work out full year of income based on part year earnings.
Rent vs Buy
Shows the difference in price of renting against buying given different factors.
Mortgage Switching
What is the cost advantage of switching mortgages to a different product or provider.
Fortnightly and Weekly Repayment
Calculates the difference between paying weekly or fortnightly for your mortgage.
Fortnightly and Weekly Repayment
Works out how long it will take you to save the deposit for your home based on a set amount.
Fortnightly and Weekly Repayment
Work out how much deposit you will need to save up to purchase your property.